ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. Children with ADHD are also hyperactive.
The children have difficulty concentrating, are often restless, and sometimes aggressive. In the past, one spoke of the fidgety child. It could be possible that a metabolic disorder is the cause of AD(H)D.
The children often have considerable problems at school due to the lack of concentration. There can also be difficulties in social life.
Conventional medicine treats the condition with stimulants. Psychotherapeutic methods are also used.
AD(H)S in holistic practice
In the initial consultation, all symptoms are recorded and an individual treatment plan is worked out. An attempt is made to stabilize the brain metabolism with homeopathic medications, naturopathic methods, possibly a change in diet, etc., to stabilize the brain metabolism. The more stable the brain metabolism is, the better the concentration will be. the better it can work with concentration.
The administration of stimulants should be reduced or avoided here as far as possible. But also a homeopathic treatment parallel to the conventional medical treatment is possible. During a detailed initial consultation, the treatment options are individually explored. will be explored. Psychotherapy, concentration training, ergotherapy, or other methods can be used in parallel, depending on what is needed. depending on what the patient needs at the time.